Best Practices

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View Practices for
LeaseLead's Video

Get some tips and tricks for the best practices for LeaseLeads Video creation. These Tips we have created for you to gain some insight on to how we have created our own touring videos.

1. Pick the right spaces

  • Your welcome video, floorplans, and amenities videos are a chance to highlight the best your property has to offer. Be mindful of the most visual appera
  • Avoid dark, dingy corners and harsh backlighting in favor of a bright space with plenty of natural light.
  • You'll also want a quiet space without too much going on in the background to avoid unwanted distractions.

2. Find your best angle

  • Find your best angle, and center yourself in the shot.
  • Computer or laptop cameras will do the trick, but phone cameras are even better. Back cameras are usually higher quality than front cameras, so set up your phone or ask a friend to help you record to get the best shot.

3. Get to the point

  • You want viewers to get to the good stuff as soon as they hit play.
  • Start talking immediately after you’ve started recording. 
  • If you're worried about forgetting what to say, you can include our suggested scripts to prompt you. 

4. Look at the lens

You want to speak directly to your viewers. Sometimes this makes following a script difficult, which is why we recommend using a teleprompter app. Be sure to check out our recommended scripts as well. 

5. Be yourself

  • You likely showcase your property to visitors on a daily basis. Treat this video as another potential prospect and don’t overthink it. You can find a balance between being casual and professional to really engage your potential prospects. 
  • Smile, and speak clearly to keep people engaged.
  • It's okay to have speaker notes, but don't stick too strictly to a script. This is your chance to show your audience who you really are– use it! Remember to download Teleprompter if you need a gentle reminder.


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